The Rangers must defeat Armadevil, a hard-shelled Nighlok who proves to be a formidable opponent. Meanwhile, Antonio loses his Samurai Morpher without knowing, and the two wannabe Samurais (Bulk and Spike) find it. The Rangers combine their attacks in a certain order to weaken Armordevil’s shell and Kevin uses the Black Box to finish the Nighlok. In MegaZord mode, Armadevil’s shell is fully restored, which proves difficult to break. The Rangers then repeat their first method of defeating Armadevil, but still is ineffective. The Samurais call the Claw Zord for the Claw Armor MegaZord, then the Samurai Battle Cannon, and finally finishes the battle once and for all. Afterwords, the wannabe Samurais put the morpher in the exact spot they found it. Emily and Mike show up moments later, relieved at Antonio’s safety, and return his morpher from the ground. Antonio wonders what he missed all day.