During training, Jayden mentions to Kevin and Mike that if they were to work together they would both be twice as strong. The Gap Sensor then sounds, and the Rangers encounter the Nighlok Epoxar. During the fight, Kevin and Mike get their hands glued together by Epoxar before Antonio shows up and drives him off. After a few attempts to cut the glue off, the Rangers realize that defeating Epoxar is the only way to separate Kevin and Mike. Though the boys attempt to prove that they are able to fight in light of the literal sticky situation, they are told to stay behind. While Kevin and Mike eventually get along, the others train to deflect Epoxar’s glue until the Nighlok returns to glue every person he comes across to something or to each other. Following the others, Kevin and Mike watch their teammates fall into Epoxar’s trap. With Kevin following Mike, the boys transform and they manage to slay Epoxar, negating the Nighlok’s glue. Bull Zord and Claw Zord arrive to hold back Epoxar with Light Zord’s support before they destroy him. Meanwhile, Serrator promises to fix Deker’s sword Uramasa and Dayu’s Harmonium in return for their services and he provides them with temporary weapons. Back at the Shiba House, Kevin and Mike show everyone what an excellent team they make by sorting the groceries out together until they accidentally end up dropping the eggs.