As the Rangers teeter on the brink of defeat, help arrives in the form of mysterious individual calling himself the Omega Ranger. Shorty falls to the might of this enigmatic new Ranger who refuses to allow the other Rangers to help him in his upcoming battle against Morgana and Devastation, citing that their inferior technology would only get in the way. In the midst of trying to get an explanation from Omega Ranger Morgana and Devastation call him out. While the other Ranger are indeed hesitant to step in, Cruger reminds them of their duty. When Devastation goes too far by disregarding Morgana’s safety to get at Omega the Rangers must step into action. Except they are indeed hesitant to step in and help the egotistical future ranger, Cruger reminds them of their duty and the S.P.D. code. Together the six Rangers put a stop to Morgana’s plan. The Omega Ranger later reveals himself to be Sam.